Hijas Farook, A Search for New Physics through Measurement of the Branching Fraction for B Meson decays to Muon Pairs with the ATLAS Experiment at √s = 13 TeV, APS Global Physics Summit, Anaheim
Luis Flores Sanchez, Precise modelling of the 𝐵𝑠0 invariant mass distribution in the 𝐵𝑠0 → 𝐽/ψ(μ+μ−)ϕ (K+K−) channel using data from the ATLAS experiment at the LHC, National Conference on Undergraduate Research, Pittsburgh
Sally Seidel, Recent B-Physics Results from ATLAS, DIS2025, Cape Town
Hijas Farook, Characterization of Low Gain Avalance Detectors' Response to Different Operational Conditions, Brookhaven National Laboratory Science and Technology Seminar
Andrew Gentry, Evidence of Charge Multiplication in Thin 25 micron x 25 micron 3D Silicon Sensors, 2nd DRD3 Week on Solid State Detector R&D, CERN
Hijas Farook, Characterization of Low Gain Avalanche Detector Gain by Means of Transient Current Technique, 2nd DRD3 Week on Solid State Detector R&D, CERN
Sally Seidel, Particle Physics Instrumentation: a 2-lecture series, African School of Fundamental and Applied Physics
Luis Flores-Sanchez, Particle Physics Instrumentation Laboratory, UNM QuarkNet Summer Workshop
Andrew Gentry, The Future of Particle Physics, UNM QuarkNet Summer Workshop
Sally Seidel, Exploring the Quantum Universe: the Report of the 2023 Particle Physics Prioritization Panel, 46th Meeting of the US-Japan Joint Committee on High Energy Physics
Andrew Gentry, Characterizing Small-Pitch 3D Silicon Radiation Detectors, New Mexico Space Grant Consortium Student Research Colloquium
Sally Seidel, Exploring the Quantum Universe: the Report of the 2023 Particle Physics Prioritization Panel, National Academy of Sciences Board on Physics and Astronomy Spring Meeting
Josef Sorenson, Investigation of LGADs exposed to proton fluences beyond 10^15 neq/cm^2 and gamma dose to 2.2 MGy, Tenth Future Circular Collider Conference
Sally Seidel, The Next Big Thing: Future Particle Colliders Now Coming into Focus - Their Physics Goals and Detector Technology Challenges, Workshop on Medical and High Energy and Physics, University of Sonora
Sally Seidel, Silicon Tracking Detectors - a Two-Lecture Series, Workshop on Medical and High Energy Physics, University of Sonora
Sally Seidel, Exploring the Quantum Universe: the Report of the 2023 Particle Physics Prioritization Panel, Joint US-Japan Committee Meeting
Sally Seidel, Exploring the Quantum Universe: the Report of the 2023 Particle Physics Prioritization Panel, Nuclear Science Advisory Committee Meeting
Jordan Hernandez, Development of Low Gain Avalanche Detectors for Particle Physics Experiments, UNM Physics Day
Sally Seidel, Exploring the Quantum Universe: the Report of the 2023 Particle Physics Prioritization Panel, Universities Research Association Meeting
Radek Novotny, Summary of Flavor Results by ATLAS and CMS, XXXVII Rencontres de Physique de La Vallée d'Aoste, La Thuile
Sally Seidel, The Next Big Thing: Future Particle Colliders Now Coming into Focus - Their Physics Goals and Detector Technology Challenges, colloquium, Baylor University
Sally Seidel, Discovering New Particles, public talk, Baylor University
Andrew Gentry, Development of Techniques for Measuring the Branching Ratio of Neutral B-mesons to K-short plus two Muons in the ATLAS Detector at sqrt{s}=13 TeV, APS April Meeting
Andrew Gentry, "Evidence of Charge Multiplication in Thin 25 micron x 25 micron Pitch 3D Silicon Sensors," CPAD2024, Knoxville
Jiahe Si, "Characterization of the response of Brookhaven AC-LGADs to gamma irradiation," CPAD2024, Knoxville
Hijas Farook, "Characterization of Low Gain Avalanche Detector Gain by Means of the Transient Current Technique," CPAD2024, Knoxville
Joey Sorenson, "Characterization of the MetaRock fast timing analog front end for future HEP experiments," CPAD2024, Knoxville
Sally Seidel, "Five Lectures on Particle Physics Instrumentation," Seventh International Workshop on Tracking Detectors, Islamabad
Luis Flores-Sanchez, "Precise modelling of the Bs0 invariant mass distribution in the Bs0 decays to J/psi(mu+ mu-) channel using data from the ATLAS experiment at the LHC," APS Four Corners Section Meeting, Flagstaff
Joey Sorenson, "Investigation of LGADs exposed to proton fluences beyond 10^15 neq/cm2 and gamma dose up to 2.2 MGy," FCC Week 2024, San Francisco
Hijas Farook, Impact of environmental conditions on Low Gain Avalanche Diode response, IEEE NSS/MIC, Vancouver
Sally Seidel, Radiation Hardness Challenges for Vertex Detectors in the Future, VERTEX2023, Sestri Levante
Jordan Hernandez, Development of Silicon Tracking Detectors for Particle Physics Experiments, APS Four Corners Section Meeting, Utah State University
Joey Sorenson, Investigation of LGADs exposed to proton fluences beyond 1015 neq/cm2, VERTEX2023, Sestri Levante
Easwar Narayanan, Radiation Damage Effects in ATLAS Pixel Detector Monte Carlo Simulations: Status and Perpectives, TIPP2023, Durban
Jiahe Si, Investigation of LGADs exposed to proton fluences beyond 1015 neq/cm2, CPAD Workshop, SLAC
Sally Seidel, Seven Lectures on Particle Physics Instrumentation, Sixth Int. Workshop on Tracking Detectors in High Energy Physics, Islamabad
Andrew Gentry, Characterization of Small-Pitch 3D Silicon Sensors For Applications in Physics and Astronomy, New Mexico Research Symposium, Albuquerque
Sally Seidel, The U.S. Particle Physics Planning Process, CEPC2023 Workshop, Nanjing
Radek Novotny, B decays branching fractions, helicities, and lifetimes in ATLAS, BEAUTY2023, Clermont-Ferrand
Andrew Gentry, Progress in an unexpected direction: Exciting challenges in fundamental physics, New Mexico QuarkNet Workshop 2023, Albuquerque
Joey Sorenson, Technologies and instruments used to discover new physics at ATLAS, New Mexico QuarkNet Workshop 2023, Albuquerque
Radek Novotny, Production of heavy flavour in ATLAS, BEAUTY2023, Clermont-Ferrand
Radek Novotny, The constraints and limitations for the FCC detectors, First Annual Future Circular Collider (FCC) Workshop, Brookhaven
Radek Novotny, Non-leptonic hadron decays at the LHC, FPCP2023, Lyon
Jordan Hernandez, Development of silicon tracking detectors for particle physics experiments, National Conference on Undergraduate Research, Eau Claire, WI
Andrew Gentry, Progress in improved operation of small pitch 3D siilicon sensors, and related outreach and education, 2023 New Mexico Space Grant Student Research Colloquium
Sally Seidel, General Radiation Damage Studies – Device and System level, DRD3 Proposal Development Workshop, CERN
Jordan Hernandez, Development of silicon tracking detectors for particle physics experiments, UNM Research Opportunity Conference, Albuquerque
Sally Seidel, "ATLAS Measurements of Charm and B Hadron Production and Properties," Lepton-Photon 2023, Melbourne
Joey Sorenson, Hadron damage investigation of FBK and HPK low gain avalanche detectors, PIXEL2022, Santa Fe
Sally Seidel, Particle Physics Instrumentation - a Two-Lecture Series, African School of Physics, Gqeberha
Jiahe Si, Charged hadron damage investigation of FBK and HPK Low Gain Avalanche Detectors, CPAD Instrumentation Frontier Workshop, SUNY Stony Brook
Andrew Gentry, Progress Towards Study of Charge Collection and Precision Timing of Small Pitch 3D Sensors, CPAD Instrumentation Frontier Workshop, SUNY Stony Brook
Jiahe Si, Charged hadron damage investigation of FBK and HPK Low Gain Avalanche Detectors, 41st RD50 Workshop
Andrew Gentry, Progress Towards Study of Charge Collection and Precision Timing of Small Pitch 3D Sensors, 41st RD50 Workshop
Sally Seidel, Silicon Tracking Detectors: A Two-Lecture Series, Fifth International Workshop on Tracking Detectors, Islamabad
Easwar Narayanan, Measurement of the CP-violating phase φs in Bs0→J/ψφ decays in ATLAS at 13 TeV, LHCC Meeting
Sally Seidel, The Beauty of Particle Physics, St. Ignatius Secondary School Handaq
Andrew Gentry, Monte Carlo Studies of B Meson Decays to Charged Leptons Plus a K-short Meson in the ATLAS Detector at the LHC, APS Four Corners Section Annual Meeting
Hijas Farook, Measurements of sensor radiation damage in the ATLAS pixel detector using leakage currents, APS Four Corners Section Annual Meeting
Joey Sorenson, Analysis of the rare decays B0 -> mu+mu- and Bs0 -> mu+mu- at ATLAS, APS Four Corners Section Annual Meeting
Sally Seidel, Discovering New Particles, Malta Cafe Scientifique, Valletta
Radek Novotny, FCC, the accelerator for the 22nd century - a window onto New Physics in the heaviest quarks, UNM colloquium
Sally Seidel, ATLAS Results on Charmonium Production and Bc Production and Decay, Lake Louise Winter Institute
Easwar Narayanan, Measurement of the CP-violating phase phi in Bs -> J/psi phi decays in ATLAS at 13 TeV, APS April Meeting, New York City
Radek Novotny, Status and prospects for FCC-ee from the flavor studies point of view, FPCP 2022, Univ. of Mississippi
Sally Seidel, ATLAS results on Bc production and decay, DIS2022, Santiago de Compostela
Sally Seidel, Recent Results from ATLAS on Production and Decay of Heavy Flavor Bound States, LANL P-3 Seminar
Easwar Narayanan, Mixing and CP Violation at the LHC, Vietnam Flavour Physics Conference 2022
Joey Sorenson, Response of Low Gain Avalanche Detector Prototypes to Gamma Radiation, 39th RD50 Workshop
Sally Seidel, Particle Physics Instrumentation from Bethe-Bloch to Advanced Silicon Detectors: a Four-Lecture Series, 4th International Workshop on Tracking Detectors, Islamabad
Sally Seidel, Radiation Tolerant Silicon Detectors for Space Applications, Panel on Venturing Into Space, NMSU
Sally Seidel, Novel Sensors for Particle Tracking: Report to the Solid State Detectors and Tracking Working Group of Snowmass 2021
Sally Seidel, The Beauty of Particle Physics, QuarkNet@UNM Workshop for STEM Teachers
Andrew Gentry, Characterization of Small-Pitch 3D Silicon Sensors for LHC Applications, APS Four Corners Section Meeting
Joey Sorenson, Characterization of Low Gain Avalanche Detectors for LHC Experiments, APS Four Corners Section Meeting
Sally Seidel, A New State of Beauty and Charm, invited talk at the Workshop on High Energy Physics and Related Topics (Univ. Sonora)
Radek Novotny, ATLAS measurements of CP violation with beauty mesons, EPS-HEP 2021
Aidan Grummer, Predicting the Response of p-type Silicon Sensors to Radiation Environments: a Hamburg Model Simulation, 16th Trento Workshop on Advanced Silicon Radiation Detectors
Sally Seidel, Response of LGAD Prototypes to Gamma Irradiation, CPAD2021 Workshop
Radek Novotny, ATLAS and CMS Results on CP Violation, SM@LHC2021
Easwar Narayanan, New Techniques for Finding New Physics at the LHC, UNM seminar
Aidan Grummer, Prediction of Leakage Current and Depletion Voltage in Silicon Detectors under Extra-Terrestrial Radiation Conditions, New Mexico State University Research Colloquium
Adam Yanez, Charge Collection in 3D Silicon Sensors, UNM seminar
Sally Seidel, Silicon Detectors: a Two-Lecture Short Course, Los Alamos Radiation Effects School
Easwar Narayanan, Measurement of the CP-violating phase phi_s in Bs to J/psi phi decays in ATLAS at 13 TeV, DPF2021
Sally Seidel, Instrumentation for Particle Physics: a Four-Lecture Series, African School of Physics
Sally Seidel, Three Seminars on Particle Physics Breakthroughs, for Young Scientists, African School of Fundamental and Applied Physics
Aidan Grummer, Measurements of Sensor Radiation Damage in the ATLAS Inner Detector using Leakage Currents, 37th RD50 Workshop, Zagreb
Adam Yanez, Effects of Gamma Radiation on Breakdown and Depletion Voltages in 3D Silicon Sensors for Particle Physics Experiments, Undergraduate Research Opportunity Conference, Albuquerque
Aidan Grummer, Measurement of the Effective Silicon Band Gap Using Data from the ATLAS Pixel Detector, 36th RD50 Workshop, Geneva
Aidan Grummer, Leptonic Decays of Light States and Rare B Decays, LHCP2020, Paris
Sally Seidel, ATLAS Results on Heavy Flavor Production and Decay, ICHEP2020, Prague
Konstantin Toms, ATLAS Measurement of the Relative Bc/B+ Production Cross Section, Heavy Flavour Hadronization Workshop, CERN
Radek Novotny, ATLAS Measurements of Production, Decays, and Spectroscopy of Heavy Flavour Hadrons, ICPPA2020, Moscow
Easwar Narayanan, Measurement of the CP-Violating Phase phi_s in Bs->J/psi phi Decays in ATLAS at 13 TeV, APS Four Corners Section Meeting
Adam Yanez, Charge Collection in Irradiated 3D Silicon Sensors, APS Four Corners Section Meeting
Andrew Forbes, Study of the Rare Decays of B_s^0 and B^0 Mesons into Muon Pairs Using Data Collected During 2015 and 2016 with the ATLAS Detector, APS Four Corners Section Meeting
Adam Yanez, Effects of Gamma Radiation on Breakdown and Depletion Voltages in 3D Silicon Sensors for Particle Physics Experiments, 2020 Heartland McNair Research Conference
Adam Yanez, Effects of Gamma Radiation on Breakdown and Depletion Voltages in 3D Silicon Sensors for Particle Physics Experiments, 2020 UCLA Virtual National McNair Research Conference
Sally Seidel, Discovering New Particles, colloquium, Pabna University of Science and Technology
Sally Seidel, Silicon Tracking Detectors: A Two-Lecture Series, Third International Workshop on Tracking Detectors, Islamabad
Sally Seidel, Discovering New Particles, colloquium, National Centre for Physics, Islamabad
Aidan Grummer, ITk Inner System Adhesive Applications at SLAC, US-ATLAS ITk Pixel Workshop, Eugene
Sally Seidel, Feasibility Study of Charge Multiplication by Design in Thin Silicon 3D Sensors, CPAD2019 Workshop, Madison
Aidan Grummer, Modeling Radiation Damage to Pixel Sensors in the ATLAS Detector, CPAD2019 Workshop, Madison
Jayashani Wickramasinghe, Applying a Model to Describe the Radiation-induced Leakage Current in the ATLAS Silicon Detector, APS Four Corners Section Annual Meeting, Prescott, AZ
Aidan Grummer, Search for New Physics in Decays of B(s) to Two Muons, LHC Users Annual Meeting, Houston, TX
Aidan Grummer, ATLAS Measurements of Rare Decays and CP Violation in Beauty Mesons, HQP2019
Konstantin Toms, Spectroscopy and Production of Bc Mesons in ATLAS, Beauty2019, Ljubljana
Sally Seidel, Production of Quarkonia and Heavy Flavors in ATLAS, FPCP2019, Victoria
Aidan Grummer, ATLAS measurements of rare decays and CP violation in beauty mesons, SUSY2019, Corpus Christi, TX
Konstantin Toms, Quarkonium Production in ATLAS, 13th International Workshop on Heavy Quarkonium, Torino
Aidan Grummer, Leakage Current in the ATLAS Pixel Detectors, 2nd Workshop on Radiation Damage in LHC Detectors, CERN
Patrick Brown, Development of New 3D Radiation Hard Silicon Tracking Detectors for Particle Physics, University of New Mexico Undergraduate Research Opportunity Conference, Albuquerque
Julie Campos, A Laser System for Characterizing Detectors for Particle Physics Experiments, University of New Mexico Undergraduate Research Opportunity Conference, Albuquerque
Aidan Grummer, Study of the Rare Decays of Bs0 and B0 Mesons into Muon Pairs Using Data Collected During 2015 and 2016 with the ATLAS Detector, NorCal HEP Exchange Workshop, Berkeley
Patrick Brown, Development of New 3D Radiation Hard Silicon Detectors for Particle Physics Experiments, APS Four Corners Section Annual Meeting, Univ. of Utah
Aidan Grummer, Development of New Technologies for Particle Detection and Application of Machine Learning Techniques to Search for New Physics Using the ATLAS Detector, APS Four Corners Section Annual Meeting, Univ. of Utah
Sally Seidel, Silicon Tracking Detectors: A Two-Lecture Series, International Workshop on Tracking Detectors, Islamabad
Martin Hoeferkamp, What LANSCE Makes Possible: Novel Radiation Hard Detectors for LHC Discoveries, LANSCE User Group Annual Meeting, Santa Fe
Sally Seidel, Silicon Tracking Detectors, Fermilab EDIT School
Aidan Grummer, Operational Experience and Performance with the ATLAS Pixel Detector at the Large Hadron Collider, 14th Pisa Meeting on Advanced Detectors, Isola d’Elba
Aidan Grummer, Application of p-i-n Photodiodes to Charged Particle Fluence Measurements Beyond 1015 neq/cm2, 32nd RD50 Workshop, Hamburg
Ivan Rajen, A Method to Measure Real-Time Charged Beam Fluence Above 1015 1-MeV-neutron-equivalent/cm2 using 3D Silicon Diodes, Undergraduate Research Opportunity Conference, Albuquerque
Aidan Grummer, ATLAS Pixel Detector Leakage Current, RD50 Meeting on Radiation Damage at the LHC, CERN
Konstantin Toms, ATLAS Results in Heavy Flavor, DIS2018, Kobe, Japan
Sally Seidel, Recent ATLAS Results, Santa Fe Jets and Heavy Flavor Workshop, Santa Fe NM
Sally Seidel, A New State of Beauty and Charm, Portland State University
Sally Seidel, Discovering New Particles, Columbia-Willamette Sigma Xi Distinguished Lecture, Portland
Sally Seidel, The Beauty of Particle Physics, Sigma Xi Distinguished Lecture, Portland
Ivan Rajen, A Method to Measure Real-Time Charged Beam Fluence Above 1015 1-MeV-neutron-equivalent/cm2 using 3D Silicon Diodes, American Indian Science and Engineering Society National Conference, Denver
Ivan Rajen, A Method to Measure Real-Time Charged Beam Fluence Above 1015 1-MeV-neutron-equivalent/cm2 using 3D Silicon Diodes, APS Four Corners Section Annual Meeting, Fort Collins CO
Konstantin Toms, Heavy Hadron Spectroscopy with ATLAS, Workshop on Heavy Hadron Spectroscopy, CERN
Aidan Grummer, Measurements of Beauty and Charmonium Production with the ATLAS Detector, PHENO2017, Pittsburg
Sally Seidel, The Beauty of Particle Physics, ATLAS International Masterclass, Albuquerque
Sally Seidel, Discovering new particles, Sigma Xi Distinguished Lecture, Albuquerque
Sally Seidel, A Tasting Menu of Recent ATLAS Results, University of Hawai'i at Manoa, seminar
Sally Seidel, Discovering New Particles, University of Hawai'i at Hilo
Sally Seidel, New Particle Discovery at the LHC, APS Four Corners Section Annual Meeting, Fort Collins CO
Nelly Ayllon, Development of a Method to Measure Charged Beam Profile and Fluence Beyond 1015 1-MeV-neq/cm2, NSBE Conference, Boston
Sally Seidel, The Beauty of Particle Physics, ATLAS International Masterclass, Taos
Konstantin Toms, The X(3872) and search for its bottomonium counterpart at the LHC, ICHEP 2016, Chicago
Sally Seidel, Discovering new particles, WoPhyS2016, Lincoln, NE
Neil McFadden, Development of Radiation-Tolerant, Low Mass, High Bandwidth, Flexible Printed Circuit Cables for Particle Detection Applications, APS April Meeting, Salt Lake City
Robert Reyna, Application of diodes to measure particle beam characteristics, APS Four Corners Section Meeting, Las Cruces
Martin Hoeferkamp, 3D silicon sensors, CPAD2016, Pasadena
Sally Seidel, Report from the Tracking and Vertexing Group, CPAD2016, Pasadena
Sally Seidel, A Tasting Menu of Recent ATLAS Results, MIT LNS seminar
Sally Seidel, A New State of Beauty and Charm, New Mexico Tech colloquium
Nelly Ayllon, 3D Silicon Sensors for Future Colliders, WoPhyS 2015, University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Sally Seidel, Radiation damage monitoring of the ATLAS pixel detector, VERTEX2015, Santa Fe
Aaron Taylor, A Selection of Three ATLAS B-Physics Results: A Search Beyond the Standard Model, A Precision Measurement, and the Discovery of a New Heavy Meson, DPF2015, Ann Arbor
Konstantin Toms, Spectroscopy and decay properties with b-hadrons at the ATLAS experiment, QCD@LHC2015, London
Neil McFadden, Flex cable tests, ITK Week, CERN
Sally Seidel, Discovering New Particles, Santa Fe Alliance for Science, Santa Fe
Konstantin Toms, Measurements of Heavy Flavor Production in ATLAS and CMS, 26th Rencontres de Blois, Blois
Konstantin Toms, B Physics Highlights and Outlook, US-ATLAS Physics Workshop, Seattle
Konstantin Toms, Operational experience and radiation damage at LHC, Trento Workshop, Genova
Rui Wang, Recent ATLAS Results in the Field of Meson Physics, MESON2014, Kracow
Sally Seidel, Discovering New Particles at the LHC, Rocky Mountain CUWiP, Salt Lake City
Sally Seidel, Overview of B Physics Measurements by ATLAS, CosPA2014, Auckland
Sally Seidel, Discovering New Particles at the LHC, SPS Western Section Meeting, Albuquerque
Sally Seidel, A New State of Beauty and Charm, NMSU Colloquium, Las Cruces
Neil McFadden, Measurement of the Production of a W Boson in Association with a Charm Quark in pp Collisions at √s=7 TeV with the ATLAS Detector, APS Four Corners Section Meeting
Igor Gorelov, Radiation Experience with the ATLAS Pixel Detector, PIXEL 2014, Niagara Falls
Aiden Grummer, Observation of an Excited B_c Meson State with the ATLAS Detector, APS 4CS, Orem
Haley McDuff, Effect of Humidity on Reverse Breakdown in 3D Silicon Sensors for Particle Tracking, UNM Seminar, Albuquerque
Konstantin Toms, Observation of an Excited Bc Meson, LHCb seminar, CERN
Igor Gorelov, Radiation damage of the ATLAS pixel sensors using the leakage current measurement system, 22nd RD50 Workshop, Albuquerque
Igor Gorelov, Results on open b and c production, Workshop on Heavy Flavor Production at Hadron Colliders, LBNL
Igor Gorelov, Heavy flavor physics at ATLAS and CMS, Hadron Structure 2013, Tatranske Matliare
Igor Gorelov, Bottom baryon resonances, UNM Nuclear, Particle, Astro-particle Seminar Series
Sally Seidel, Irradiation facilities, Joint CPAD and Instrumentation Frontier Community Meeting, Argonne
Sally Seidel, Recent results on diamond radiation tolerance, IPRD13, Siena
Sally Seidel, Discovering new particles at the LHC, UNM Physics Graduate Seminar Series
Sally Seidel, The University of New Mexico Semiconductor Detector Group, RD53 Institutional Board Meeting, CERN