Ojito Springs, NM


A block of hotel rooms has been reserved at La Fonda, 800-523-5002 or (505) 982-5511, #1.

The group rate for Pixel2022 is $149.00 + 15.4375% tax for one or two occupants per room.

To obtain the room block price when registering, please identify yourself as associated with the organization "PIXEL 2022 Conference" or use the group code 1000947.

You may change your hotel departure date as late as the day you arrive.  Upon check-in, you will be asked to reconfirm the departure by signature.  You may change your departure at this time with no penalty. 

If you depart before your reconfirmed departure date, you will be subject to a fee of $149 + tax.

The room block is available up to 14 November 2022. The group rate will be honored three days before and three days after the conference, based on availability.