The 2009 Linear Collider Workshop of the Americas will take place on the campus of the University of New Mexico (UNM) from September 29 through October 3, 2009. This is a joint meeting of the American Linear Collider Physics Group (ALCPG) and the ILC Global Design Effort (GDE). All sessions will be held in the Student Union Building (SUB). A registration desk will be open on September 28 from 4 to 8 pm in the lobby adjacent to the SUB ballrooms---ground floor, north side of the building. The first session will begin at 9 am on September 29.
The ALCPG program will address the physics potential of the linear collider, and advances in detector technology. The validation of detector designs will be announced, and the detector design groups will have their first opportunity, post validation, to plan for the next phase of effort. Detector R&D teams will report recent progress on many topics, including calorimetry and tracking, and discuss and develop future plans. Critical physics topics will be presented by invited experts. There will be a special session for the experimentalists and theorists, led by the GDE, to discuss recent accelerator design considerations. The meeting is an important transition point on the path toward the linear collider experimental program. Participants interested in presenting a paper in a parallel session should contact the relevant topical convener:
The GDE will be meeting in parallel, with the following goals:
- Review current status of global ILC R&D and future plans, in accordance with the stated and published milestones in the Technical Design Phase R&D Plan (release 4);
- Review and plan activities in and around Test Facilities;
- Produce six-month detailed plans, including preparation for the second AAP review (Oxford, January 2010) and the next GDE meeting, held in conjunction with LCWS 2010 (Beijing, March 2010).
- Consolidate work for SB2009 proposal (due end 2009)
- Begin to identify and prioritise TDP-2 work:

This meeting is the latest of a series of regional meetings in the Americas--- previous related conferences are listed at
We look forward to seeing you in Albuquerque.
Best regards,
Jim Brau, ALCPG co-chairMike Harrison, GDE regional director
Mark Oreglia, ALCPG co-chair
Sally Seidel, Local Organizing Committee chair